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Monday, 9 March 2015

The Generation of Pro-Active Youth

Good day people of the world, I want to personally apologize for the "break in transmission". I've been off the blogging world for a few weeks due to a few reasons i can't put in detail right now.
For a few years now, I've seen the generation of Youth that belong to being subjected to criticism concerning bad behavior, drug peddling, rudeness, disregard of rules, the list of atrocities we are accused of is literally endless. True as these accusations might be, I have noticed something about the category of teenagers and Young adults i was born into. This is the thing that sets us apart from other generations of Youth  .
The separating factor is the "Pro-Active" nature of today's Youth. Today, we no longer have Youth who wait for things to fall into place for them, but rather go ahead into the world to make reasonable and legitimate money(As far as I know) . I'm not discussing what the Youth do with their money (because I understand how riotously we young people spend money when it gets into our hands) , rather i'm discussing and celebrating the people who have shown enough courage to try to make a living at such young ages . Sometimes, these people combine talent, effort, time, studies with parental assistance, and sometimes they are even active without the latter factor.
Such people are exemplary and I would list a few who are within the wingspan of my knowledge.
1. David Nwalupue , David Odize, and Adeola Sonoiki, who form the 3 kings empire have teamed up     to organize monster social events and soccer tourneys @DavidLupee @AdeolaSonoiki_
2. Dada Olayinka, Boluwatife Omoworare, Olowojoba Emmanuel and co. who make up Dwave             Clothing - a great, youthful clothing line @OTUNBA_22 @MC_OLOWOJAY
 I'LL MENTION THE REST ON MY TWITTER PAGE, FOLLOW @jojo_deeee ...till then , keep it real. Peace!!!

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